Thursday 19 September 2013

Is this the last race?

Come on team NZ all of Plateau are watching!!!

Seems it is too windy today boys, maybe tomorrow.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Golden time.

Look what Pierce and Nicholas created last week during golden time!!

We also had games in the hall.

Played board games,

Played on the iPads,

And did some drawing.

We had a great time with Paua room for golden time.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Book character day 2013

Today was our annual book character day. All the staff had dressed up as characters from the story Peter Pan. We were lucky to have Mrs Armstrong ( lost boy) as well as Mrs Brattle (Peter Pan).
Here are our photos of our amazing costumes. 

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Monday 9th of September.

Today was the first day of Library week at Plateau School. We had stop drop and read in the morning. This was a bell that rung in the morning, we had to stop what we were doing in class and read. mrs Brattle read us stories on the mat.

   These were the books that we read at stop drop and read time.

Later on for our reading time we created our own book marks and started to design our own castles. We will send these to the library for Mrs Nicole's to judge. A winner will be drawn at assembly on Friday. 

Mrs Brattle also read us " the enormous crocodile" by Roald Dahl while we worked quietly on our pieces of art. Did you know that Roald Dahl's birthday is on the 13th of September (this Friday)? He would be 97 if he was still alive. 

A quote from Roald is " if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely" this is so true and you can see evidence of this in our lovely class photo.
We love Roald Dahl stories in Kiwi Room.