Thursday 15 May 2014

Merit points award winners.

Congratulations to Madeline, Blake, Nikau, Liam and Harrison for earning their Iron awards, 25 merit points well done. Yasmin has received her Bronze award, which is 50 merit points. Continue the great work Kiwi Room, there are a lot of people very close to getting an award.

First week back for term 2!

What a busy week we had for our first week of term 2. It was so very nice to see all the smiley faces and to  hear of the wonderful adventures the Kiwi Room members got up to in the holidays.

Wednesday saw us take a trip to Te Papa along with the senior classes. We saw some amazing sites and learn't a whole heap of information that will help us with our topic this term.

We also managed to pick up class of the week at assembly, which was a marvelous way to start to term.

 Here are our award winners for week 1. Harrison and Danielle for their drama acting last term. Belinda for positive choices and great behavior and Renee for being a ray of sunshine in Kiwi Class.

Well done everyone, have a safe and happy weekend.

Drama performance.

Last term we were very lucky to be treated to a drama performance after lunch. Watch these videos to see the show. Kiwi class were all very proud of our members and their acting talent.


These are only a sample of the performances, but I hope you get the general idea and enjoy watching them.