Friday 20 November 2015


So far this term interest has dropped in recycling of our toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes and boxes. Kiwi Class have a terraycycling box in their classroom and anyone can drop things off. Things that can be recycled are toothbrushes, toothpaste and boxes from the toothpaste. We send them away and the rubbish is recycled into cool new things like pencil cases, bags and other cool stuff. Please if you are getting new toothpastes or have finished your mouthwash bring the empty containers into Kiwi Class and we will send them away.

Here is what we have collected so far.

This is what our collection box looks like, please bring your oral health recycling to Kiwi Class and put in in our box.

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog and we look forward to lots of people bringing things to recycle.

Kiwi Class team work

Kiwi work together.
Kiwi class love to write and read. We like to learn lots of things. and we also love playing outside and playing sport and making stuff. Also we are all good friends and we respect property and we also take care of people. That is what kiwi class class sometimes do we are a bit silly, But  we are mainly always good.  We are always good at making stuff.

The end….by Jordan.


Tuesday 17 November 2015

Tuesday 17/11/15

Today we took our uv measuring beads back outside. This time we were wanting to see what could make a difference when we are out in the sunshine. We decided to put some sun cream on our beads to see if anything would happen.

Mrs Brattle put the sun cream on the beads but it was very hard to keep it on because the beads got really slippery. The sun cream did make a difference to the colour of the beads, so we knew the sun cream was working. The colours were not as bright with the sun cream on, as the beads with none on.

Next we thought we would see what it was like under a hat. This was really hard to do because as soon as we moved the hat the uv rays got on the beads and made them change colour. We had to be really  quick to get this photo. 

We also wondered if Sunglasses would protect the beads from the uv Rays. You can see from our photo that they do!!

So, you can see that we have been very busy outside learning about being safe in the sun. Please remember to wear your hat everyday at School for the rest of this term. 
As a treat for being so great Mrs Brattle said we could have a picnic lunch. We got our lunch boxes and sat outside in the shade. Mrs Brattle read us stories while we ate our lunch, it was fun and we felt special.

After lunch we had whole School singing, then we packed up our class and went to visit Mrs Davidson in the library. We started making our reading journals for the school holidays!! 

Thanks for reading our blog. Please feel free to leave us a comment so we know what you thought of our

Thursday 12 November 2015

Term 4 you need to wear a hat!

It is very important to wear a hat because you will get sun burnt or get skin cancer. A few Days ago Mrs Brattle  fond some sun UV measuring beads.  We took them out side they changed colour and we took some photos of them. I was in Tora's group with Karen and Sammie and Rohan, we took lots of photos and went to lots of places but it just stayed the same colour. The colours change it when we put them to the light.

By Daisy

last Tuesday we took beads out to different parts of our school to see how hot it gets some parts get very hot its very important to wear a hat the sun can burn you, the hat will protect you from the sun even on clody days you can get burnt.

by Rohan

This just goes to show how important it is to wear your hat. All people at Plateau School need to wear a hat everyday in term 4. Being safe in the sun is a very important thing to do. Thank you to the group of children who went out to measure the Uv rays around the School, it just goes to show how powerful the sun is in New Zealand.
Stay sunsafe people and thanks for reading our blog.

Friday 30 October 2015

Week 2 term 4

Monday, we started off after fitness with a visit in the bush. Monday is Kiwis day to play in the bush. We need to remember to wear our hat everyday this term.
Here is a picture of Kiwi Class standing at the look out up in the bush.

This term our topic is about water. We are excited to see where this topic will take us. Next week we are having a visit from some ladies from Wellington Water.

We made the most of the sunshine and cleaned out the chicken coop. Don't forget that you can buy the eggs for $3 for six or $6 for a dozen.

Have a safe and happy weekend.

Monday week 1 term 4

A warm welcome back from your holidays and I am sure we are all rested and ready for term 4.
This week we have been getting ready for our visit from our local fire fighters. We have been working through the fire wise programme. We have a new student join us in Kiwi Class. His name is Samson, we are all looking forward to showing him around Plateau School. Welcome to you Samson and your family. We are really happy to have you as part of Kiwi class.


We learnt about where our fire exits were, we have three exits in Kiwi room. As part of our golden time on Wednesday, we jumped out one of the window exits. We were all very sensible and helped each other out the window.

We were all very interested in what the firemen had to show and tell us. Mrs Brattle was very proud of how well we could answer the questions. The firemen thought we were very clever.

Get down, get low, get out!!

Practising getting low to stay away from the smoke, if there was a fire.

EARTHQUAKE DRILL!! we were very quick and safe when we had our earthquake drill.

Such a busy week back for the start of term 4.

Friday 11 September 2015


Here is our movie from Library week. Sorry we did not get to share this with our Grandparents, due to technology issues. Better late than never. Thank you to all of those that came to School this morning to spend time with us. We hope you all enjoyed it.

Friday 21 August 2015

the 3 Rs song

Here is the song we have been learning. Unfortunately our ipad ran out of room so we could not post our singing. Maybe next week.

Reduce, Reuse, recycle.

Here is the learning we were going to share at assembly. Mrs Brattle was away on a course for our assembly day so we are sharing it here, that way everyone can see it. Please feel free to leave a comment. We really like to hear from our blog audience.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

1/7/15 Marble Jar party day!!

Wow what a start to the new month. Kiwi class came to School this morning ready to celebrate and party!We have worked so hard this first 1/2 of the year.
Have a look at some how of us turned up at School this morning.

Sorry that these photos are sideways, but you get the picture at least.

For the morning we worked on our mathletics and reading eggs accounts, then we went out to morning tea and had some sunshine and fresh air.

After morning tea it was MOVIE time!! we ate popcorn and crackers while we watched racing stripes (thanks Tora) for sharing your movie with us.

If the weather stays nice we are going outside for games after our shared lunch.

Keep an eye out for our next post.

Monday 29 June 2015

Marble jar party!!!


Dear parents and caregivers of kiwi Class.

We have finally filled up our marble jar. We have decided that we would like to plan a party.

We have voted and decided to have a shared lunch, watch a movie and play some games.

Please could you help us by packing a small amount of food to share for lunch on Wednesday 1st of July.

Please do not send lollies for lunch, but anything else will be fine. After All it is a PARTY!

We are allowed to bring our pillows and blankets if we would like.  Some of us would also like to dress up or wear PJS, this is also OK but not compulsory.

Thank you from Kiwi Class.

Tuesday 23 June 2015


We have been learning about recycling. We have been exploring the terracycling website and found a load of cool and interesting information. We worked in groups to share all the information

We have made this video to share with our School mates and also our community. We hope you can help us to recycle our old toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes etc.

Please support our recycling efforts . Thank you from Kiwi Class.

Monday 22 June 2015

Arbour day

Today we were so lucky, we had ranger Steve from Kaitoke regional park come to School with his helpful group of helpers. They bought with them a load of compost, pots, seedlings and  Potting mix.
We all got to plant some of the seedlings and load them onto the trailer. The seedlings will grow in the pots for another couple of years and then they will be planted into the ground.

We were so proud and happy with our efforts that we decided to write thank you letters straight away.
We wrote our letter altogether as a class and then used our best handwriting to write it out on special paper.

Look at all these healthy little babies, ready to go and grow into big strong healthy trees!!

Here are some of our Thank you letters, with a special forest boarder.

Anzac baking

We made our Anzac biscuits today. they were great. We were so well prepared with our ingredients and equipment.

Cookies and milk for morning tea, oh what a treat.

A huge thankyou to Mrs Philpott and Simon for your help with our baking. We hope you enjoy your card.

Kiwi class. 

Monday 15 June 2015

Matariki rain sticks

Today in Kiwi class we have been making rain sticks for our Matariki music video! We have been practising our song with our rain sticks and we would like for you to see it here on our blog. We think it is very good and we hope you like it too.

We worked very hard to do this video with our singing and our rain sticks. Making the rain sticks was pretty hard work as well, but we helped each other and we think we would agree that they have turned out pretty well.

Hope you enjoy our video, from Kiwi Class.

Hope you have enjoyed this.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Wednesday 25/3/15

Today was Wheels on Wednesday and as part of moving march we were lucky to have a visit from Neville and Lesley. They bought some of their bikes from home for us to look at and have a ride on. Mrs Brattle rode one of the bikes so we all could have two turns.

We wrote thank you notes and drew pictures to show our appreciation.
After lunch we practised using our Number fans. These number fans help us to identify and practice our numbers and number knowledge.

We also celebrated two iron merit awards. Tora and Callum earnt their awards and we had a ceremony for them. We sign the national anthem, have a red carpet and a presenter. 

Well done you two we are very proud of you.

We finished off our great day with a well deserved Golden Time.