Tuesday 24 February 2015


Friday was another great day for kiwi class. Our lovely year 2s split up to join the juniors for discovery time, while our year 3s stayed with Mrs Brattle for recorders.

We had a different buddy reading as our buddies Kea were still on camp. 
We finished off our writing publishing and put them up on our wall.

Tora came back from the hospital without her cast, which was very exciting and Callum left early to go into Wellington for the cricket.

Assembly was particully great for us as we earnt class of the week and picked up the junior mathletics award. 

Our very own Sammie helped present at assembly, and Aimee gave an enviro group report. Rekai also told us about Tinni ball.

hope you all had a safe and enjoyable weekend.

Friday 20 February 2015

Thursday 19/2/15

First thing this morning we had our running for fitness, then we went swimming. During swimming we were working hard on our straight Arms and legs.

For reading we were using our reading eggs accounts, reading with the teacher, reading books and other fun things.

One group read about about growing pumpkins. After we had read the book we made a list of all the things needed to grow a good pumpkin. Then we went a visited the school pumpkins, after checking our list we decided that the pumpkin needed some more water, so we watered it.

Another group used the same book, but they were checking what made good compost, look at what they found.

We have been working hard with our writing and have started using the chrome books to publish our work.

In the afternoon we went out and had a game of tail tag!

What a great day we had.

Monday 16 February 2015

look at this


Thursday 5 February 2015

2015 first week.

Welcome to the Kiwi Class blog for those joining us in 2015. This has been our first week at School and we have all made an amazing start to the year. We have started working on our Golden Rules for Kiwi Class. These rules will help guide us to make good choices and will encourage us all to work hard and to the best of our ability.

Here we are working in groups to draw and write helpful examples of how we will show the golden rules using our actions and behaviour.

Loads of collaboration.

Great teamwork

These are our Golden Rules

Golden rules
  1. We are gentle - respect for physical safety
  2. We are kind and helpful - respect for emotional safety.
  3. We work hard - respect for work.
  4. We look after property - respect for property.
  5. We listen - respect for other peoples views.
  6. We are honest - respect for honesty. 

As a reward to sticking to the Golden Rules and working hard Kiwi Class are having Golden time. Golden time is a 30 minute time when we can pick some fun activities to celebrate our success for the week. This week we choose to play in the sandpit, on the playground and obstacle course on the feild.

Golden time

Here we are working on our neighbourhood maps, we are going to use these to help us with our writing. Our maps are a place where we can draw our memories and experiences.

 To top off our short week, Kiwi class won the junior mathletics award. Keep up the hard work team, we have made a fantastic start.

Have a safe a happy long weekend.
Mrs Brattle

Monday 2 February 2015

Thankyou for camp

To all our amazing parent helpers who gave up their time to come with us on camp, THANKYOU SO VERY MUCH. We really do appreciate your time and effort and you made our camp so fun. Thankyou again. Here are some of our thankyou notes as well as a video to say thanks.

Kristie For taking luggage  thankyou!!!!!!!!!!!! from Garrett
Dear Kristie Thank you for helping me on the kayaks. And the bush walk. You are the  best in the world and everything else   by Indiana.

Dear Kirsten thankyou for coming to the field games, and good job for protecting your daughter as well, I am very greatfull from Abigail. 

Dear Kirsten thank-you for giving up your time and for supporting us at camp,and making sure we get breakfast,lunch,and dinner.From Tessa.

To Kirsten thank you for helping me with some things like helping me and my cabin mates with our beds and sleeping bags too!!!!! from Brylee?

Thanks Steve for teaching me some rules at cricket, Harrison.
Thankyou for helping to catch a ball at cricket, from Nikau

thankyou for packing my bag especially sleeping bag and playing cricket!!!   Kane
Madeline Thanks Ian for coming on the trip I eppreshyate your work you were a big help!
Thank you Ian for giving us chocolate fish and clear  instructions and being a kind parent.  Harrison.

To Jackie thankyou for helping me on the flying fox. From Danielle

Mark S / Poppi
thankyou for helping doing the kayaks and having lunch and coming on camp.

To Mark
thank-you for keeping us safe and giving up your time to come to camp hope you had fun from Samantha

Thank you Blair for doing the water rocket and catching the bottle. Also for doing the parachute. From Kane

Tony you are a good helper, Thank you from Vincent.

Kelly Hailee 
Thanks for being so helpful when I was on the obstacle course.

Anna Thank you Anna for Helping us on the flying fox  we appreciate YOU

Glenn thankyou for handing out the mashmalows and stiks from Devyn. 

everyone thankyou for giving up your time and taking us in your cars we are grateful we hope you had a good time to? from: Renee
Mr Frater

Thank you Mr Frater for giving up your time for the trip-it would never have happened without you !Madeline!

Thankyou to Mr Frater for helping me to do kayaking from Nikau