Monday week 1
Wow we sure did get hot today!! It was very exciting to explore our new classroom and get to know Mrs Brattle.
Lucky we had an afternoon swim time.
We worked hard to write down some interesting things about ourselves to share for our art display.
Tuesday we had Lily Brattle (Mrs Brattle's Daughter) come in to help us, she helped us with our cutting out of our hands for our Kiwi.
We also went over to the Library and showed Mrs Davidson our reading journals.
This year we are going to be doing work with our peers in Paua class, we have groups we will work in and we are really looking forward to spending time with each other to help with our learning.
Wednesday and Thursday we worked really hard to set up our Google accounts and practised logging in and out. We set up folders and typed our documents. Some of us even sent each other emails!! Mrs Brattle was very impressed with how well we picked up these new skills.
Friday is always such a busy day and we were all grateful to our wonderful buddy readers from Kea for the fantastic reading we all did this morning.
Take care everyone and enjoy your long weekend together, stay safe and have fun. See you all on Tuesday.
Mr Brattle