Monday 14 April 2014

Library re-opens!

First off this morning we had a visit from Yasmin's rabbits, they were very well behaved and super soft to touch. Thank you Yasmin for sharing your pets with us.

Today was the grand opening of the new library space. It has been a long time since we were able to visit the library and we were all very excited to see inside. We all gathered outside the library while it was blessed and Mr Frater said a few words.

Once the Library had been blessed our guests had coffee and cake and we eat our morning tea. We had an early morning tea so we could celebrate our library being back in action. Centa bakery had made a giant chocolate cake for our celebration and we ALL got to have a piece after morning tea. Some people had sliced apple instead, which was very yummy too. After this, kiwi class got to have our own tour of the new library, it was very exciting and the place looked great.

Liam, Garrett and Duncan helped to make this Tapa which is displayed in the library.

What a great start to library week.

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