Thursday 31 July 2014

Sports report from Kiwi Class.

We have been doing a lot of reading and learning about the commonwealth games this week, so we thought we might have a go at giving a sports report. Here are some of the Kiwi Class reporters. please note that some of us got a bit nervous and our information may not have been 100% accurate.

We have many more clips to share, so stayed tuned .

Friday 25/7/14

First  we  did  the  roll. Then we had recorders and we got  3 new songs.

And  then  we  math.  And  we had moning tea. Then we  did  buddy reading.  And  we  did spelling test. 

Mrs Brattle handed out our basic facts sheets for home. Lunch and  then.  We Did  Afternoon roll. Then. We. Watched a. Dvd. About ecosystms. 

Then assembly. Then we  go  home.

We were very proud that Duncan got to have a turn presenting assembly today.

This blog was written and presented by Vincent and Harrison. Great job boys.

This weeks award winners.

31/7/14 Thursday

Today Belinda and Lace did the blog  the first thing we did was some skipping. 

Mrs Brattle challenged us to better the number of jumps we could do. Most of us were able to double the number of jumps we could do by the end of our session. We also had to see if we could jump for a minute without stopping (we need to work on our fitness, as this was much harder to do than we thought). We were so puffed from our skipping that we started our morning tea early while Mrs Brattle read us some of our chapter book.

We had a nice silent reading time. While we were reading we had milk. Then we had news. Here are the pictures of the people who had news today. Thanks for sharing your stories with us.

Mrs Brattle had a magic moment where she was looking for people who we're sitting nicely and listening well at news time. She spotted everyone in the class and we all got to move our pegs up 1 on the clip it chart.

Thursday is Subway day so that is always exciting.

During reading today we found an article about the New Zealand weight lifter who won a silver medal. We worked out that the weight he lifted was about as heavy as all of us!!  Maybe even more.

It was a good day today and we are looking forward to School photos tomorrow.

Thank you to Lace and Belinda for our photos and ideas for the blog today. You girls made a good start on the typing.

Duncan's fabulous homework.

Duncan has been working really hard at home and enjoying doing some science experiment. Thanks so very much for sharing.


The start of the day we did jump jam.Then we did the bus borad and the notices then the roll.Then we did some maths with the class to help them to get of pesky number seven.then it was morning tea time everyone ran of to play most people went to the playground and some people went some were els. After morning tea time we had silent reading.

After silent reading we went on the iPads and did work about the commonwealth games. Then we had lunch time some people went to Zumba.Lots of people had stuff to do at lunch and after lunch we did speches about the commonwealth games then we did award ceremony Yasmin got the first silver congratulations yasmin.

Then we did spelling words.Then we had wonderfull news. 

Our blog today was presented by renee and Tessa

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Monday 28/7/14

Today we did jump jam then we did our te reo roll. After we did our Monday news.

we had moning tea. Mr Fratter came in and helpd us do pic collage on the iPad.

  Then we did writing and mr shehan came and had a look.After that we had a big lunch. 

We did the roll again then we had a lady come and tell us about talking in front of a crowd.

 After that we clened up the class room and we went home!!

Our blog today was done by Jonty and Yasmin.


Thursday 24 July 2014

Thursday 24/7/14

Devyn and Indiana were on Blog duty today, unfortunately a vital step was missed out and all their hard work was lost. Here is their oral version of what they wanted to report today. Great work girls. We sure did have a good day, and the sun was shining!

Maps of the world and Scotland, that we found during our research into the Commonwealth Games.

Subway for lunch, with a side order of SUNSHINE!!!

After lunch some of us had very red faces from running around in the fresh air.

We also had two people receive their merit awards. Samantha earnt her iron and Garret earnt his bronze. Well done you two.

After all this excitement we headed outside for some skipping with Paua class. 

Good work today Kiwi.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

It was   A great start to the day . We had a shake break.  To get our brains moving. after morning tea mrs brattle read the class a story. After mrs Brattle read the class we did some giant letters that are the starting letters of our names.after we did some reading.some of us went on the ipads and the reading corner.then it was lunch time.after lunch mrs Coombes came in to visit. Mrs brattle let us start a new chapter book .it was Danny the champion of the world.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Close to 8000 page views!!

Thanks everyone for viewing  our blog page. I wonder who will be our 8000th viewer? Don't forget to tell friends and family about our page so they can view all the great things we are doing in Kiwi.

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Little dog update

This is the little dog that came to School today. Mrs Brattle took him home and gave him a bath. She found his owners aswell, so now he is home safe.

See you tomorrow.

Tuesday 22/7/14

Today we logged on to plateau school website then we checked the notices. We had news then we finished our writing and author circles and spelling words.

 Then it was morning tea time. After morning tea we did reading then we did  maths. 

After lunch time we went to the library and a dog ran to the window we took the dog in our class room then our teacher read a story.

Tessa and Mrs Brattle were dressed as twins today, right down to their ugg boot slippers.

Today's blog was written by Danielle and Garrett

Monday 21 July 2014

Body percussion challenge.

For music appreciation Mr Sheehan showed us some body percussion performances. He then set us the challenge of creating our own pieces. We had to work in groups and here's what we came up with.

We hoped you enjoyed our performances, we worked really hard at them. 

Monday 21st of July.

Today was the first day back after the holidays. We are now in term 3!  First thing this morning we logged onto our Plateau School website, the Ultranet page had been updated and was all new. 

We all got into a circle and had REALLY long news, everyone had loads to share about their holidays but we all managed to listen very well and enjoyed the stories from our class mates.

By the time our news had finished it was nearly morning tea time. Mrs Brattle let us have our morning tea a bit early.

After we ate our morning tea some people did the Twister dance.

When we came back from morning tea we did writing, we added some more to our neighbourhood maps and wrote in a new story. 

Then we did some author circles, these are a new way of sharing our ideas and work with our peers.

Some people had mentioned in the morning that a lady overseas had made a dress out of loom bands and sold it for enough money to buy a house! This sounded very interesting, so for reading we searched on the internet and found some news articles about this loom dress. Here is the article we read.

These girls spent their lunch time practicing a dance to show us. We were very impressed with their moves, well done girls.

After lunch we had some games in the hall, it was good to have a run around and stay warm. Then it was back to class to tidy up, get our reading logs and pack up for home time. Before we went home Mrs Brattle shared a postcard with us. It was from Riley and her family, we were so excited to hear from her and receive our postcard from Hong Kong. 

What a great start to term 3, I wonder what tomorrow will bring?