Monday 21 July 2014

Monday 21st of July.

Today was the first day back after the holidays. We are now in term 3!  First thing this morning we logged onto our Plateau School website, the Ultranet page had been updated and was all new. 

We all got into a circle and had REALLY long news, everyone had loads to share about their holidays but we all managed to listen very well and enjoyed the stories from our class mates.

By the time our news had finished it was nearly morning tea time. Mrs Brattle let us have our morning tea a bit early.

After we ate our morning tea some people did the Twister dance.

When we came back from morning tea we did writing, we added some more to our neighbourhood maps and wrote in a new story. 

Then we did some author circles, these are a new way of sharing our ideas and work with our peers.

Some people had mentioned in the morning that a lady overseas had made a dress out of loom bands and sold it for enough money to buy a house! This sounded very interesting, so for reading we searched on the internet and found some news articles about this loom dress. Here is the article we read.

These girls spent their lunch time practicing a dance to show us. We were very impressed with their moves, well done girls.

After lunch we had some games in the hall, it was good to have a run around and stay warm. Then it was back to class to tidy up, get our reading logs and pack up for home time. Before we went home Mrs Brattle shared a postcard with us. It was from Riley and her family, we were so excited to hear from her and receive our postcard from Hong Kong. 

What a great start to term 3, I wonder what tomorrow will bring?

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