Tuesday 26 August 2014

Tuesday 26/8/14

 Today the first thing we did was the roll! Then we did the notices and then we did glorious news

After news we did a fun maths activity , we were doubling, halving, adding and subtracting. We even did some times tables. It was fun working together in our groups. By that time it was morning tea time some people played soccer,Some people did skipping and others played on the playground.

After morning tea we had silent reading some people read chapter book's and space book's. Then   We did Writing for stamina! Reading was next some people did reading egg's like the buter fly lion's. Then it was lunch time here are some people having fun. Then we did the roll agin. Then we went  to the library!!!! We picked 2 book's      . Now we are doing our how do you feel chart. It talls us how we are doing. We are doing P.E. We do skiping for P.E. now it's home time good bye

From Yasmin and Jonty.



Tuesday 19 August 2014

Ronald McDonald Tuesday 19/8/14

First we did jump jam then we did news, then we made some fractions to use for our fraction game. We had morning tea and then we did silent, reading  then  we  did reading and a writing sheet  about road safety and keeping safe on the footpath.  Then we went over to the hall to wait for our special guest to Ronald McDonald. He was so funny and we really did enjoy his presentation. We have heard from Mr Frater that Ronald was equally impressed with our good behaviour and our knowledge! Then it was lunch time.

Liam sharing his news.

Preparing our fraction pieces for our fraction game.

Our special guest RONALD MCDONALD!!!

Another fraction picture.

After lunch we went to our lovely library, tidied up the class, finished off some of our work and had a quick game. Thanks to Vincent and Harrison for blogging our work today.

Monday 18 August 2014

Monday 18 August 2014

Today's blogers werer DEVYN AND INDIANA.first we did the Roll and Bus Bord ,news then morning tea. Then Road safty then Lunch time. Then sining then a story then PE. And then went home and had diner and tuck in to BED. BY INDIANA, DEVYN.

Friday 15 August 2014

Hey hey it's Friday! 15/8/14

First thing in the morning we did recorders it was a fantastic start. Then we did basic facts Samantha and Duncan got a basic facts award for reaching stage five on the basic facts ladder.when we had finished bacic facts we did some spelling test and got our new words ready for next week. 

After morning tea we had buddy reading which is always nice. After that we finished the work we were doing from yesterday on the iPads and in our literacy books.

After lunch we tidied up and Riley gave us all a lollipop that she got from her big holiday. Thank you Riley.

Then we were treated to a concert from good time music academy, it was really fun.

Here are our award winners for today, Kiwi Class also picked up Class of the week award, Yay!

Our blog was presented by Samantha and Brylee ( happy birthday for Sunday Brylee). Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Thursday 14/8/14

Today we did fitness then we did news and skiping then it was morning tea time reading and writing it was lunch time it was time to finish reading groups. We worked hard in the afternoon and Mrs Brattle said we had done so well we would go outside for a game, just as we were ready to leave the rain came down!!! So we had an inside game. 

Thank you to the parents that came into Kiwi Class this afternoon, our game is really hard to play and we appreciated how quietly you watched. We were proud to show you how well we can work together.
Tomorrow is basic facts and spelling testing, please remember to bring your words to school and have a good practice tonight.

Thanks to Danielle and Garrett for today's blog.

Friday 8 August 2014

Friday 8/8/14

Today on Friday  we did  Recorders and we did Basic facts then we searched up Brookfield camp and we had wonerful morning tea.

Then we did awesome drawing of Brookfield camp (it's were we are going for camp in the 2 of December next term.

 Next we  did spelling  words and tested each other.

This is what they look like.

This is a map of Brookfield camp.

Liam and Kane went on the computer to search up Brookfield camp.
We did Kapa haka and songs

And we had sticks 
Then we did I Pas 
These are the super students WELL DONE!!!
This is theAWESOME clip it chart.
Just like we said befor Liam and Kane went on the computer.        Hope you liked the blog!!!!!

By Nikau and Duncan.

These are our award winners for today,
Lace, Duncan and Liam well done guys. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Thursday 7/8/14

Today we filled up the yummy sticker chart. We will now get a new sticker chart so we can keep collecting yummy stickers.we get free sports gear for all the stickers we collect.
Yasmin got on the hall of fame.wuns you get up. To 
The top of the chat 5 timse you go on the hall of fame

On.  Reading time.
This is the class doing reading groups.
These are our award winners, congratulation Madison, Hailee and Madeline.

Today's blog was by Malia with a little help from her friends.