Tuesday 26 August 2014

Tuesday 26/8/14

 Today the first thing we did was the roll! Then we did the notices and then we did glorious news

After news we did a fun maths activity , we were doubling, halving, adding and subtracting. We even did some times tables. It was fun working together in our groups. By that time it was morning tea time some people played soccer,Some people did skipping and others played on the playground.

After morning tea we had silent reading some people read chapter book's and space book's. Then   We did Writing for stamina! Reading was next some people did reading egg's like the buter fly lion's. Then it was lunch time here are some people having fun. Then we did the roll agin. Then we went  to the library!!!! We picked 2 book's      . Now we are doing our how do you feel chart. It talls us how we are doing. We are doing P.E. We do skiping for P.E. now it's home time good bye

From Yasmin and Jonty.



1 comment:

  1. Great writing Yasmin and Jonty. Always good to hear what you are up too. From Jontys mum
