Wednesday 22 October 2014

Wow what a day.

Inline hockey.
First thing this morning we had some exciting visitors come. They were the team from hockey on wheels. We got to put on all the safety gear and a pair of roller blades. Then we had some skill lessons, and a little game.

We were very proud of ourselves and got pretty hot and sweaty. We had such a great time.
Then we went off to have our morning tea. After morning tea we went straight to the library for a visit with an author. His name was Kevin Boon and he has written a lot of books. He read us some stories and gave us some tips for our own writing. 

We went back to our class to do some of our own writing and create some extra special writing using our new tips.
We were so interested and excited to share our ideas that we produced some really great writing.

Well done to Tessa, Renee and Malia who received their silver merit awards today, that's a whopping 75 merit point. Well done girls.

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a day! The line skating looks like heaps of fun.
    Jonty - great to see you working hard at your writing.
    from Melissa - Jontys mum
