Thursday 5 March 2015

Week 5 term 1

What a busy week we have had this week! Monday was doctor Seuss's birthday. We read loads of books and started creating our own version of green eggs and ham.

We also had our School photos taken, which was really fun and we are excited to see what they look like.

Tuesday we had Mrs Armstrong which was fun and we created some amazing art work about Sea Week.

Wednesday was golden time. Just as we were about to go outside it started to rain. We couldn't take the iPads outside our make paper planes so we decided to do some shake break exploring.

These were some of the ones we tried out.

Thursday, we had a great session in the pool and worked really hard on our backs. Pushing our tummies up and putting our chins up really helps us float. We had our second buddy maths lesson with Kea. We worked together on mathletics and coming up with as many combination equations to give the answer of 25. We really do have a lot of fun working with our Kea buddies.

After lunch we went to senior singing and then out to senior sport. We got so hot!! Our year twos went and enjoyed some AV time with the juniors. 

Have a safe and happy weekend everyone, and remember the trip to Wellington is on Monday.

Mrs Brattle.

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