Friday 27 May 2016

Friday 27/5/16

Another busy Friday, so busy we didn't even have time for news!!

We had recorders first off this morning and we got to play dinner time. Mrs Brattle says we need a little more practice at this one but we all tried really hard and impressed her with our perseverance.

Below are two clips to show you what we get up to during recorders.

Then we did basic facts testing and some of us went to Kapa haka.
It was nice to have buddy reading outside today, even with a little bit of sunshine!! 

The busy day continued and finished off with a fantastic assembly where we learnt a whole lot about composting, thanks to Paua. 

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend, take care.
Mrs Brattle

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Wednesday 25/5/16

Today was a good day, Mrs Brattle was back in Kiwi Class. She has been in Wellington helping with jury service. It was also a great day because it was Emma Bonny's birthday!!

We started the day with Jump Jam in the hall, this is such a great way to all come together, warm up our bodies and our brains to be ready for the day.

For maths we looked at a monster game. We had to solve addition equations to get the treasure. We also spent some time on mathletics.

For literacy we wrote letters to a monster and read our books, some people got to read with Mrs Brattle and some people with Mrs Philpott. Then we spent some time on reading eggs.

We worked so hard today we got 60 hairbands and seeing as it was Emma's birthday she got to choose what our reward would be. She choose folk dancing !!! Check us out.

Saturday 21 May 2016

Assembly item week 3 term 2

 Click on this link to view our assembly item from Friday. The kids wrote reports about our science work this week  Week 3 term 2.

Friday 20 May 2016

Friday 20/5/16


Today was the day we got to have Shamus at school. We have worked so very hard over the week to earn our hairbands and get a visit with Shamus. Shamus is Mrs Brattles little dog. He was very well behaved and were were nice and quiet while he was with us ( except when we were playing the recorders!!)

Every day we have been marking off on this calender to see when Shamus would come and spend the day with us.

Shamus was very well behaved in his little cage while we were working.

Have a safe and happy weekend.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Wednesday 18/5/16

Today was a big day in Kiwi class, we placed our avatars on the wall under our solo posters. We have spent a lot of time talking with the Paua people  (pauwi) and our teachers before we were able to place ourselves on the wall. The wall is all about how we manage ourselves and how we get our work done. Mrs Brattle read out the levels and we could stand up when we heard something that we felt fitted with how we work in class. We had to be really honest and be able to prove why we thought we fitted at the stage we picked. This is something new for all of us and we may need to move ourselves around or change some things down the track.

The back wall will help us to see what we need to do to improve or help others with self management and work habits, it is for us to monitor ourselves NOT to compare ourselves with others. This is a very important thing to remember, the back wall is for helping, not for judging. Placing ourselves on the wall where we feel we fit is a step towards being more independent and taking ownership of the choices we make. 

Mr Bean did not germinate today.

We have been learning about what plants need to germinate, survive and continue to grow. We know that they need, soil, water, warmth and light as well as some shelter. SO we have decided to do an experiment to see what happens if we don't give them what they need!

James is adding soil to a plant that will live in a maze box, it will have to grow in different directions to find the light.

Here we are adding water and below we are placing the seed in the soil.

This bean will live in the cupboard with soil, water and shelter BUT NO LIGHT. Tomorrow we are going to talk about what we think will happen.

The bean in the square container has soil but NO WATER and the bean in the round container has NO SOIL.

Sleep well little scientist, I will see you all tomorrow.

Mrs Brattle

Tuesday 17/5/16

Today was a great day, we had a maths test in the morning that really tested our brains, both for maths and for following instructions. Mrs Brattle was very proud of how well we did.
We all looked very smart for our school photos after morning tea, Mrs Brattle thought we were the best looking class of the day!!

After morning tea we got to plant " MR BEAN" he is a broad bean that we will be observing. We learnt about germination, observations and even making a hypotheses!!

These were our hypotheses about when Mr Bean might germinate.

This is Mr Bean!

After lunch we read some of our chapter book, and then we were off to the school library. Mrs Davidson showed us where to find the science books, this will help us with our science in the classroom.

We had worked so hard today that we nearly ran out of time for a game at the end of the day. We only had a short game, but it sure was fun to run around in the fresh air.

Mrs Brattle

Monday the 17/05/16

Today we are starting our science week!! We are all very excitied about this. As a class we all looked through Mrs Brattles science book. We discovered that there were alot of experiments about plants, this is what we would like to do for our science.

We are also working really hard to collect our hairbands during the day. Mrs Brattle gives out hairbands to people that are working hard or being helpful, following the golden rules and being great Kiwis. If we reach our number for the day we earn a reward. We decided that we were going to try and get 55 hairbands a day. Mrs Brattle is very proud of us.

Baden earnt his hairband for being a great listener at newstime.

Elliot earnt his band for amazing silent reading.

Keep up the hard work my little scientists. 
Mrs Brattle

Friday 13 May 2016

Paua and Kiwi merge ..... PAWI

For many weeks now, Paua and Kiwi have been working together to create a new learning environment.

There is a lot of ground work involved in setting up this kind of independent zone.

The students have been learning how to look at a piece of writing and break it down to analyse it.  They have looked at sentence structure and punctuation.  They are now able to talk more about their writing and where they think they "fit".  More importantly they can clearly see their own next learning step and see what they can do to achieve this.

Some of the students have attended workshops on Punctuation this week in small groups of 10.  
All students have been given a series of tasks to do for the week and tracking sheets to highlight when they have achieved them.

They are learning that they can make good choices with their time, which has been very powerful for them.

They have done all types of reading from, reading with an adult, reading with a buddy, reading magazines, journals, articles on the computer, reading each other's writing and learning how to give constructive feedback.

They have learnt that writing is a process and sharing your work with a buddy is helpful.  Their buddy will read out their work to them so that the writer of the story can hear it how it has actually been written.

The Pawi students are now learning how to assess themselves in regards to self-managing their own behaviours.  As per the writing, they can look at the statements from each stage and, using a great deal of honesty on their part, place themselves on a continuum of learning behaviour.  Some thought very long and hard about where to place themselves and noticed that they had traits from two different areas, so placed themselves in between.  But more importantly this now showed them how to get into the next stages by improving on one or two things.  This was deep and honest thinking.

............and it was all worthwhile this afternoon when they received the class of the week award for their amazing hard work.