Wednesday 18 May 2016

Wednesday 18/5/16

Today was a big day in Kiwi class, we placed our avatars on the wall under our solo posters. We have spent a lot of time talking with the Paua people  (pauwi) and our teachers before we were able to place ourselves on the wall. The wall is all about how we manage ourselves and how we get our work done. Mrs Brattle read out the levels and we could stand up when we heard something that we felt fitted with how we work in class. We had to be really honest and be able to prove why we thought we fitted at the stage we picked. This is something new for all of us and we may need to move ourselves around or change some things down the track.

The back wall will help us to see what we need to do to improve or help others with self management and work habits, it is for us to monitor ourselves NOT to compare ourselves with others. This is a very important thing to remember, the back wall is for helping, not for judging. Placing ourselves on the wall where we feel we fit is a step towards being more independent and taking ownership of the choices we make. 

Mr Bean did not germinate today.

We have been learning about what plants need to germinate, survive and continue to grow. We know that they need, soil, water, warmth and light as well as some shelter. SO we have decided to do an experiment to see what happens if we don't give them what they need!

James is adding soil to a plant that will live in a maze box, it will have to grow in different directions to find the light.

Here we are adding water and below we are placing the seed in the soil.

This bean will live in the cupboard with soil, water and shelter BUT NO LIGHT. Tomorrow we are going to talk about what we think will happen.

The bean in the square container has soil but NO WATER and the bean in the round container has NO SOIL.

Sleep well little scientist, I will see you all tomorrow.

Mrs Brattle


  1. It looks quite fun kiwi keep up the really good work.

  2. Thank you for letting us do science Mrs Brattle . From Lacey

  3. you guys are amazing maybe you could behave more than the older kids in year 4 5 6.

    from charli
