Friday 3 June 2016

Friday 3/6/16

Yesterday Mrs Brattle was out with the Kiwi Kick team, we had Mrs Homer as our teacher. These were the people who worked really hard and made Mrs Brattle feel proud when she came back to School. Well done!!

Here we are working hard to get our Mathletics award in our finish up Friday session. Some people sat with Mrs Brattle and were tested on their spelling words.

Mr Bean is having a BIG problem. He has started to go mouldy!!! Even though this is still a good observation, we have decided that we will plant some new seeds as well and see what happens with them.

Esther concentrating hard.

Jackson is very pleased with himself.

Kody on reading eggs, he was also learning about making gardens, have a look at his link

Max learning about key hole gardens. He also sent Mrs Brattle this great link.

We are working hard to get Miley ( Mrs Brattles other dog) to come for a visit.

Thanks to Beau for our great photos and for helping Mrs Brattle write the blog.

Isla worked so hard on her Must dos and can dos that she completed the whole lot!!! She also got her mathletics award. 

In Kiwi class when we get our iron award we have a red carpet ceremony. Check out how we do it!!

Sorry we didn't get right to the end, we are still learning to take movies.

Here are our award winners from the ceremony.

Have a great weekend, stay safe, enjoy time with your family and friends and DON'T come to school on Monday.
See you all on Tuesday, Mrs Brattle


  1. Awesome work Kiwi Class, looks like you are working very hard on your mathletics award, if you keep trying you will earn the trophy in no time!! :-)

  2. Looks like you did a lot of work Mrs Brattle would be proud.

  3. Looks like you had a lot of work Mrs Brattle would be proud.

  4. poor mr bean I hope the next lot will do better and amazing work on reading eggs.

    from Lorelei

  5. Wow that looks like fun. But mayby have some more practises on videos. From vincent.

  6. Great Work Kiwi it looks like you have been trying hard.

  7. Wow, Kiwi class, You guys are hard workers and you are very on task. I loved the videos and reading the blog reminded me of when I was in kiwi class. Thank you for posting such amazing blogs Kiwi.

    Yours Sincerely
    Grace( In Ruru)

  8. wow kiwi class you are very hard workers and on task.

    from Claire.

  9. Great blog Kiwi it looks like your having a great time!
    Keep the work up!

    From Tessa

  10. you are the best teacher in the whole wide world love from brihanna

  11. WOW KIWI CLASS you have worked so hard this week I hope miss brattil will bring her other dag well done
    from Elisa Cordner
