Thursday 22 August 2013

Enviro group postcards.

Yesterday and today we have been working on making postcards to post out to other enviro schools.
Nadine (Jasper's Mum) came in to help us make them. We used material scraps and plastic. We ironed the plastic so the material stuck to it and then we stuck on some card so we could write on it. Look at the lovely creations we have made.

Today we wrote on our postcards explaining who we are and how we made our postcards. We are going to walk down to the mail box and post our cards after lunch.

Here we are walking down to the mail box.

We even had time to stop and admire some of the nice spring flowers on the way.

Now we are posting our cards, I wonder how long they will take to get to their new school.

Goodbye and good luck little postcards.

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