Tuesday 23 December 2014


Thanks to everyone who has visited our blog, liked our posts or sent us a comment. Look how many views we have had!!!

Over 10,000. Well done Kiwi room.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Christmas concert

I was very proud of all my Kiwis tonight,  you all did a superb job.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Switch Zoo

Today we were thinking about an imaginary animal we might like to get for Christmas. We drew a picture of our animal and then started to write a description about our animal including it's personality, habitat, and interesting facts Click on the picture above to visit the site and make your own animal.

Monday 24 November 2014

Kiwi Class are a HAPPY class

Check out the latest music video created by Kiwi Class

This is the same video we shared at assembly 2 weeks ago.Thanks Mr Frater for helping Mrs Brattle upload this. 

Wednesday 22 October 2014

working together

This morning we had a visit from Mrs Chatfeild, she showed us a fun way to get into partners. Stand up, hands up, pair up, using this way we could get to know each other better. We had to get a sheet and find information about 16 people in our class. At the end Mrs Chatfield was very impressed with us and Mrs Brattle was too. Mrs Brattle put 5 marbles in the marble jar.

By Yasmin and Harrison.

We have been learning about Diwali as part of our celebration topic. We found a great website and did some reading about Diwali. We also found some crafts to make. Today we made firecrackers. We decorated them and we are going to put them on the wall. We are VERY proud of them, come and have a look.

Renee and Devyn

We worked this afternoon with a partner, we made pic collages about our favourite places in the School.
Blake and Duncan

Wow what a day.

Inline hockey.
First thing this morning we had some exciting visitors come. They were the team from hockey on wheels. We got to put on all the safety gear and a pair of roller blades. Then we had some skill lessons, and a little game.

We were very proud of ourselves and got pretty hot and sweaty. We had such a great time.
Then we went off to have our morning tea. After morning tea we went straight to the library for a visit with an author. His name was Kevin Boon and he has written a lot of books. He read us some stories and gave us some tips for our own writing. 

We went back to our class to do some of our own writing and create some extra special writing using our new tips.
We were so interested and excited to share our ideas that we produced some really great writing.

Well done to Tessa, Renee and Malia who received their silver merit awards today, that's a whopping 75 merit point. Well done girls.

Monday 8 September 2014

Happy Fathers Day.

Now that you have all received your poems and special cards I can post this clip from assembly. Hope all our Dads had an amazing day yesterday and got to spend some special time with family.

Friday 5 September 2014

More of our talents




Here we are with more of our talent acts. Hope you enjoy watching them and please feel free to leave us a comment. We do like to hear from people that have read our blog post.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Plateau's got talent 2014

 Samantha and Danielle





Renee, Abigail and Tessa

Lace and Riley

Very very proud of everyone today. Huge congratulations to everyone that was brave enough to have a go at performing, but also a huge thank you goes to all our lovely class members that sat and watched as a supportive, encouraging and respectful audience. Well done my Kiwis.

There are more videos to follow. I will share them as soon as I can upload them.

September the 3

In the morning we did jumping jump jam then we did the roll and the notics.Then we checked who was on the bus board.       
Then we did some awesome News. We also did fractions and some people did other games. We packed up and had a break for morning tea. Then we went to kea room we had a lot of work done in kea.

Some people read there story's to us BUT we can't tell the DADS!! Because it's a secert .We where in there until hungry lunch time was here. Then after lunch we went back to the roll and straight to kea again.And then we read more story's. We were all finished so we went skiping.The ding dong bell went and then we went home.

By Renee and Tessa

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Tuesday 2/9/14 second day of Spring

Today first thing we did  fantastic  jump jam then we did the roll. After that we did news then we did several  sheets of fractions work. This was fun and we worked well in our pairs.  then we had a wonderful  morning tea time. Mrs brattle found an I spy book in the teacher room and we did some research on I spy. it was Really interesting. We did the Plateau  Got Talent!!!!!!!! We were  filing in the sheets  then on Thursday  plateau got talent. also we had lunch time some people had a bad lunch time. some people had a good lunch time.  Then we  read  Danny the champion of the world. also we did skipping and it was home time.
Thank you to Abigail and Liam for the blog today.

Here is a link to the reading we are doing at the moment, the article is "take a closer look" 


We will need some glass jars with lids for next week if anyone has some at home please send them along to School.

Also a reminder that Plateau's got talent heat 1 will be on this Thursday after lunch.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Tuesday 26/8/14

 Today the first thing we did was the roll! Then we did the notices and then we did glorious news

After news we did a fun maths activity , we were doubling, halving, adding and subtracting. We even did some times tables. It was fun working together in our groups. By that time it was morning tea time some people played soccer,Some people did skipping and others played on the playground.

After morning tea we had silent reading some people read chapter book's and space book's. Then   We did Writing for stamina! Reading was next some people did reading egg's like the buter fly lion's. Then it was lunch time here are some people having fun. Then we did the roll agin. Then we went  to the library!!!! We picked 2 book's      . Now we are doing our how do you feel chart. It talls us how we are doing. We are doing P.E. We do skiping for P.E. now it's home time good bye

From Yasmin and Jonty.



Tuesday 19 August 2014

Ronald McDonald Tuesday 19/8/14

First we did jump jam then we did news, then we made some fractions to use for our fraction game. We had morning tea and then we did silent, reading  then  we  did reading and a writing sheet  about road safety and keeping safe on the footpath.  Then we went over to the hall to wait for our special guest to Ronald McDonald. He was so funny and we really did enjoy his presentation. We have heard from Mr Frater that Ronald was equally impressed with our good behaviour and our knowledge! Then it was lunch time.

Liam sharing his news.

Preparing our fraction pieces for our fraction game.

Our special guest RONALD MCDONALD!!!

Another fraction picture.

After lunch we went to our lovely library, tidied up the class, finished off some of our work and had a quick game. Thanks to Vincent and Harrison for blogging our work today.

Monday 18 August 2014

Monday 18 August 2014

Today's blogers werer DEVYN AND INDIANA.first we did the Roll and Bus Bord ,news then morning tea. Then Road safty then Lunch time. Then sining then a story then PE. And then went home and had diner and tuck in to BED. BY INDIANA, DEVYN.

Friday 15 August 2014

Hey hey it's Friday! 15/8/14

First thing in the morning we did recorders it was a fantastic start. Then we did basic facts Samantha and Duncan got a basic facts award for reaching stage five on the basic facts ladder.when we had finished bacic facts we did some spelling test and got our new words ready for next week. 

After morning tea we had buddy reading which is always nice. After that we finished the work we were doing from yesterday on the iPads and in our literacy books.

After lunch we tidied up and Riley gave us all a lollipop that she got from her big holiday. Thank you Riley.

Then we were treated to a concert from good time music academy, it was really fun.

Here are our award winners for today, Kiwi Class also picked up Class of the week award, Yay!

Our blog was presented by Samantha and Brylee ( happy birthday for Sunday Brylee). Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.